switch《超级马里奥RPG(Super Mario RPG)》1.0.1金手指下载

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switch《超级马里奥RPG(Super Mario RPG)》1.0.1金手指下载,马力欧在故事开头便直奔酷霸城堡救出了碧姬公主,但他们还没来得及回家,就有一把长着脸的巨剑从天而降,将三人全都打飞了出去。

[超级马里奥RPG].Super Mario RPG 金手指+1.0.1 作者:2K417.

TID: 0100BC0018138000

BID: 97F9664CFB272154


[♯ 1. Inf. HP]

[♯ 2. Inf. MP (Flower Power)]

[♯ 3. Enemies Are 0% to 50% Stronger (Per Enemy)]

[♯ 4. Enemies Are 50% to 100% Stronger (Per Enemy)]

[♯ 5. Enemies Are 100% to 200% Stronger (Per Enemy)]

[♯ 6a Player Dmg Multiplier (0.5x)]

[♯ 6b Player Dmg Multiplier (1x)]

[♯ 6c Player Dmg Multiplier (1.5x) ★]

[♯ 6d Player Dmg Multiplier (2.0x)]

[♯ 6e Player Dmg Multiplier (3.0x)]

[♯ 6f Player Dmg Multiplier (4.0x)]

[♯ 6g Player Dmg Multiplier (5.0x)]

[♯ 7a Enemy Dmg Multiplier (0x)]

[♯ 7b Enemy Dmg Multiplier (0.5x)]

[♯ 7c Enemy Dmg Multiplier (1x) ★]

[♯ 7d Enemy Dmg Multiplier (2.0x)]

[♯ 7e Enemy Dmg Multiplier (3.0x)]

[♯ 7f Enemy Dmg Multiplier (4.0x)]

[♯ 7g Enemy Dmg Multiplier (5.0x)]

[♯ 7h Enemy Dmg Multiplier (10.0x)]

[♯ 8. Inf. Item Usage]

[♯ 9. 100% Hit Chance]

[♯10. Auto Action Commands (Atk Only)]

[♯11. Auto Action Commands (Atk and Def)]

[♯12. Action Guage Always Full]

[♯13. 999 Chain (After Successful Chain)]

[♯14. Always Succeed At Running Away]

[♯15. 100% Item Drop Rate (Normal Drop Only)]

[♯16. 100% Item Drop Rate (Prefer Rare Item Drop)]

[♯17. Always Perfect Super & Ultra Jumps (Hold ZR to Stop Jumping)]

[♯18. Bonus Flower Always Drops]

[♯19. Always Special Enem(y-ies)]

[♯20a XP Multiplier (2x) ★]

[♯20b XP Multiplier (4x)]

[♯20c XP Multiplier (8x)]

[♯20d XP Multiplier (9x)]

[♯21a Coin Multiplier (2x) ★]

[♯21b Coin Multiplier (4x)]

[♯21c Coin Multiplier (8x)]

[♯21d Coin Multiplier (9x)]

[♯22a Frog Coin Multiplier (2x) ★]

[♯22b Frog Coin Multiplier (4x)]

[♯22c Frog Coin Multiplier (8x)]

[♯22d Frog Coin Multiplier (9x)]

[♯23. All Items Cost 0 Coins]

[♯24. Free Purchases (Coins & Frog Coins)]

[♯25. Movement Speed Multiplier]

[♯26. Jump Height Multiplier]

[♯27. Ignore Encounter Trigger (On)]

[♯28. Ignore Encounter Trigger (Off)]

[♯29. 2x Reward for Egg Shuffle Game]

[♯30. Midas River - No Fish Hit(s)]

[♯31. Auto Yoshi Race]

[♯32. Goomba Thumping High Score]

[♯33. Add 1 of Every Single Item (After Buying Anything)]

[♯34. All Consumable Items (Check Storage Box)]

[♯35. Force Item Drop (EDIT THIS - Must use with 100% Drop Rate)]

[♯36. Force Item Drop (OFF)]

[♯37. Have (5) of All Shared Gear (Use Any Item After)]

[- khuong ツ -]


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